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Thoughts & Inspiration

I have been at training camp for almost two weeks. I wanted to share two short stories of times that I have encountered the Lord as I handwash my clothes, break bread with new friends, worship, take bucket showers, and dive into Scripture.


What I Needed, When I Needed It:

On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, we have group workouts at 6:30. The first Tuesday, I had a very stressful morning of oversleeping and missing the walk we had planned. When I went to devotions at 7:15, we had some time to read our Bibles and pray on our own. I was praying that God would “search me and know me” I knew this was a verse from a Psalm, so I turned to Psalms to find it. When I turned to Psalms, I first read, “I lay down and slept; I woke again, for the Lord sustained me” (Psalm 3:4, ESV).

I turned to Psalms in search of a specific verse to pray, but God knew what I needed to hear. This verse unexpectedly became my prayer, speaking life and comfort into my scattered mind that morning. I was upset with myself for oversleeping, but I was reminded that I am blessed to have woken up. Every day that I wake up, it is God who wakes me. He has a plan for each day and a purpose for my life. It is not a coincidence that I woke up. He is at work in me and through me every day. 


A Holy Moment:

I have always struggled to have a personal relationship with Jesus. I put a lot of time into studying Scripture, but neglect prayer. I desire a relationship with Jesus, but I have always struggled to pursue that relationship. I know that he is there, waiting for me to come to him, but I always fail to do so.

Since being at training camp, I have intentionally spent time in silence praying and listening. I have found myself repeatedly praying, “Less of me; more of you.” This prayer was answered a few days ago during worship. As I was singing, I had an image of Jesus on the throne. I was standing at a distance, and he said to me, “Come to me. What are you waiting for?” I spent the rest of worship sitting with my eyes fixed on Jesus. When worship ended, I wanted to stay in that moment, fully surrendered and peacefully abiding in his presence. This was the first time I experienced his presence so fully, and I will remember this moment for the rest of my life.


I am so excited to continue to deepen my relationship with Jesus and my squad mates, and to learn new lessons about life and who God is every day. I can see God’s gentle hand leading me here: exactly where I need to be and with the people I am supposed to be with. He is intentional and good in every season. Praise God for his care for us.


5 responses to “Encountering the Lord”

  1. Lauren,
    What a special blog. I, too, need to remember, Less of me, More of you. So grateful for your amazing experience of God during worship, and your desire to keep wanting to experience God more fully. You will have so many God moments during this year and I am so excited for you. – Susan

  2. I am your mom’s aunt Karen.I am so proud of you & the stand you have taken for Jesus.God bless you.