Coming to Guatemala, I was determined to keep it a secret that I know Spanish. I was afraid to talk with people in Spanish because I knew I wouldn’t have perfect grammar, know every word, or understand everything. I told myself that no one would know that I know Spanish, but then I met the people of Guatemala, and everything changed. On our first day of ministry, as I was playing with the kids, I was talking with them in their language. I was having so much fun getting to know the kids that I forgot about all my fears and hesitation, and all that mattered was loving the kids well.
At the end of the day, our ministry host said, “You know Spanish. We’re going to use you. You’re going to translate” As soon as he said that, I said absolutely not and moved on. I didn’t want the pressure of translating on my shoulders, and I was afraid I couldn’t do it. I started to pray into this and listen to what God said instead of what my flesh told me. My flesh wanted me to walk in fear and insecurity, but God revealed that he had equipped me for this season of my life. Do I translate everything perfectly? No. Do I know every word? No. Do I understand everything? No. But that’s okay. To connect with people, I don’t need to be perfect. As I was praying about using my Spanish, God made it very clear that even though I’m afraid of being imperfect, I can use the Spanish I have to advance his kingdom.
I have been learning a lot about allowing God to use the gifts he has given me and about being a vessel to advance the Kingdom of God. It’s written in 1 Peter, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:20, ESV). After a lot of praying, wrestling with the Lord, and a couple of tears, I am stepping out to use what God has equipped me with. I have started translating for my team when we do ATL and live our daily lives, have made friends I wouldn’t have otherwise made, and started translating for house visits. What began as something terrifying has become something life-giving and enjoyable. What caused this change is that my mindset shifted from earthly to eternal; I stopped being ruled by my flesh and started to be obedient to what God has called me to. There is good fruit that comes from obedience.
Now, I enjoy talking with people, hearing their stories, and praying for them. I still get nervous about speaking with the locals in Spanish, but every conversation gets a bit easier and less scary. I needed to stop being ruled by the fear of my flesh and perfectionism and use what I have been equipped with to serve the Lord. Paul wrote, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ” (Colossians 3:23-24, ESV). This verse made me reflect on the motives behind my actions. My motives behind hiding my ability to speak Spanish was to protect myself from judgment from others. My motives behind using the Spanish I have is to serve the Lord by advancing his kingdom and planting seeds of truth in peoples’ hearts.
I want to encourage you to use what you have to serve the Lord. We have all lived different lives and been equipped in different ways. Don’t let fear hold you back and keep you from being obedient. We are called to a life of service. Use what you have been given to serve, even if you are afraid, because there is always grace. Your way of serving will look different from someone else, but that’s okay because “There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone, it is the same God at work” (1 Corinthians 12:5-6, ESV). We have been called to different types of service and equipped for them. God equips those he has called, and he has called us all.
God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called! I am proud of you for accepting that call and using what God has given you to be a blessing to others! Love reading your updates! I will continue to pray for you and your team. Please remember to brush your teeth 2x a day and floss every night 🙂
Love, your crazy dental hygienist- Marcy
This is really good! Proud of you
I love how God is using you,
This is good. God will continue to use you if you listen to the Holy Spirit. Praying for you.